Faithful LEaders

We equip men by combining practical group leadership
skills with biblical counseling principles

Equipping Approach

Character Development

At The Forge, leadership development is character development, for we strive to build and equip men become servant-leaders, to have Christ-like character, to model integrity, and to boldly live out their faith in society.

Faith Formation

As The Forge seeks to promote personal, vibrant relationships with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, group leaders play an important role in faith formation. Leaders have a unique opportunity to teach the Word while fostering relationships to help men live a life of faith and service. At The Forge, leaders are equipped in their role as disciple makers in keeping with the Great Commission (Mat. 28:18-20)

Biblical Counseling Principles

Forge group leaders learn basic biblical counseling principles to help them discern the needs of men in their respective groups and offer wise counsel according to the moment. This equips leaders to better shepherd them men in their group and determine when it might be helpful to point them to counselors or other support groups at The Forge.

Leadership Equipping

The Forge strengthens faithful leaders in their ability to love and shepherd group members well by offering a curriculum that addresses practical group leadership skills and biblical counseling principles
Leading others is hard. It’s tiresome, tedious, and oftentimes messy. This is why leadership cannot be neatly summarized by a list of techniques or measured according to set criteria. True leaders are defined by faithfulness and are those who steadfastly serve and guide through the “muck” of life. They are ready and willing to have tough conversations but leave questions about the success or failure of their leadership in the hands of Christ and rest in the knowledge that the Wonderful Counselor and King of Kings will use them as He wills. Marriages, families, workplaces, and churches need men who are alive with the vision to faithfully and steadfast lead with strength, integrity, and humility, no matter the circumstances.

"The Forge has helped me redefine what biblical leadership is, making it more applicable and less daunting in my own life. Facilitating groups in a way that is both loving and based in God’s truth is a hard balance, but these sessions have equipped me with the right tools to make it happen. I believe the Forge can help mobilize faithful and available men to disciple other men that are in a place of need."
- Travis R.

“The Forge's leadership materials were excellent. They pulled directly from Scripture and modeled what is expected of Godly men. The practical tools gave confidence for unfamiliar group situations and conversations. The leadership training was one of the best curriculums I have taken part in.”
-James C.

Leadership Equipping

We have 8 training and they take 1:30 hours each

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